Ray Yadidi, a frequent partner of Isaac Chetrit, is planning a 15-story office building on a vacant Garment District site, sources told The Real Deal.
Ray and Jack Yadidi are reportedly selling a newly completed Midtown South office building on property they purchased for $9 million in 2014.
The owner and president of Sioni Group, Ray Yadidi, is in line to acquire G-III Apparel Group-owned fashion label DKNY’s office in Midtown Manhattan, N.Y., from JPMorgan Chase, Olmstead Properties and Jonathan Rose Cos. for approximately $105 million.
Eli and Isaac Chetrit are closing in on a $350 million construction loan to build a 69-story tower in the Garment District.
Ray and Jack Yadidi are reportedly selling a newly completed Midtown South office building on property they purchased for $9 million in 2014.
Demolition is underway at 100 West 37th Street, the site of a 68-story mixed-use skyscraper in the Garment District of Midtown, Manhattan. Designed by C3D Architecture and developed by Sioni Group.
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